Who is most likely to benefit from this course?
- Are you, or a family member, experiencing a personal experience that is affecting your mental well-being and resilience
- Are you a volunteer helping those who are facing trauma, and it’s draining your emotions and resilience.
- Maybe you just need a refresher of the essential strategies for maintaining mental health resilience and well-being.
Date: THURSDAY 20th March 2025
Time: 5.00pm to 8.00pm
Venue: Rural Fire and Rescue, 25 Airport Drive East Albury 2640
Helping to prepare, process and regulate your own mental health.
1: How our brains work
2: Stress response
3: Trauma and impact
4: Self-care and resilience
To attend this course: Please Scan the QR Code or click on travelescapeclub.com.au/contact-us to complete and submit the form, Registrations close 5pm Sunday 16th March (Numbers are limited)
The course will be delivered by Bjelkie Lansdown from BLMC
Bjelkie is a highly qualified and experienced mental health workplace trainer
Funds to develop and deliver this course were raised through the Travel Escape Club raffle fundraiser. Past courses have been exceptionally well received by all those attending.
PAST Courses
To date, we have facilitated three courses with very positive reviews.
Saturday October 28th 2023,
24th February 2024 and
31st August 2024
Attendees come from a wide variety of volunteer services (SES, RFS, Albury Wodonga Resource Bureau, Carevan, Country Hope, Rotarians etc.) as well as members of the general public who all expressed a positive outcome from the course.
Notes from the course can be found HERE